
Hi everyone I lost my mom coming up a year ago she was my best friend and I’m struggling is there any advice that could help me many thanks x

think of what she would want for you.

she would want you to take care of yourself. try to rebuild a life. but slowly. a year is very little time to absorb such a loss. :gift_heart:

Took me a long, long time to get to grips with the loss of my mum. It was and still is a struggle at times.

Like you Trudy1 my mum was also my best friend. I could tell her and talk to her about absolutely anything and everything.
I am so sorry you are struggling and I have no real advice to offer you.
We are all different and what works for one may not work for another, but you have taken a big step to join us all on here. The one place no one really wants to be. I hope that you find the help you are looking for.

Can I ask if you have family or siblings that you could share memories about your dear mum with?
I ask because my mum had Alzheimer’s and to watch her be taken away a peace at a time was devastating.
In the aftermath my sisters and I came to find comfort in talking about our darling mum. We often get together, get the photos out and just reminisce with stories of every day, holidays and the things mum used to get up to (that was usually anything to cause a laugh!). She was definitely no shrinking violet ha ha.
My mum passed away three and a half years ago. I miss her every day, she is forever in my heart, also in the mirror looking back at me if I’m honest and in the faces of my siblings.

Take care

Thank you both for your kind words I have an older brother but he has PTSD after watching my brother pass away seven years ago I have my dad still he was with her till the end but he gets upset I have support around me if I need it but I’m one of those that don’t like putting on people so suffer in silence x