
Hi, I lost my mum on 28th September. I seemed ro be coping fairlly well but suddenly its hit me all over again and i am really struggling. I know rhat Christmas is making it worse . I also suffer with generalised anxiety disorder which adds to how i am feeling. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to get through the first Christmas without mum ? Thanks

Dear @Sharon2205

I am sorry to hear of the recent loss of your mum.

It’s understandable to hear that as Christmas comes closer, it’s all feeling harder. Christmas can be a really tough time of year, you’re not alone and we’re all going to be here to support you through this.

I was wondering if you had a chance to read our article that was written by some of the Sue Ryder counsellors. You can find that here -

There’s also lots of threads from people who are going through their first Christmas’s without their loved one too. If you type in the search bar First Christmas without mum you can connect with members of the Community here.

I hope this has helped a little, please keep reaching out to us and look after yourself this Christmas.

Take care.
