Hi today is not a good day struggling ijust want my mum and dad back its hard tjay i never got to say good bye to my mum i just hope she knows how much i lobe snd miss her.
Hi June,
I’m sure your Mum absolutely knows how much you love her. I’m so sorry you’re having a difficult day and missing your Mum x
Hi thanks hope it gets better took a long walk today in the sun then had a seat and thought about the times x
Hi June,
I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Sending some hugs you way xxx
Thanks daffodil for youre kind words. I hope tommoro is better too xx
Hi June,
I hope tomorrow is a better day for you .
Hi June,
Only just read your post ,but sending my love belatedly.I too lost my Mum this year ,though I had the privilege of nursing her at my home ,and was with her every second of the last weeks(tough ,but love-filled on both sides) I am so sorry you were unable to say goodbye ,but the depth of love you shared was developed over your lifetimes ,and would have been with her and known to her anyway.I miss my Mum terribly -now almost 6 months on ,and have had some tough days this week myself.Having already lost my husband and Dad -the first as quite a young woman -I do know that grief slowly changes ,and eventually gives way to happy memories in our hearts and minds ,which are indestructible.Love Helenxx
Thanks lesley x
Thank you hellen for your kind words i treasure the christmas day viedo call i made and then mum was gone four days later .i take comfort in that my sister and brother and my son were with mum till the end so mum wasnt on her own. But i find it hard that i never got to say good bye.I hope you are well big hugs to you x