
I’m yearning for my mum today, so badly it’s taking over my whole body,I can hardly move I want her here with me forever. What I can do though is send you a hug [quote=“Lisa_L51, post:20, topic:82469, full:true”]
I could say it will get easier but I know for me I doubt it ever will we battled for 26 years so that’s a lot along the way, to then be given a prognosis of 6-12 months but only get 12 weeks was hard to grasp the shock of it all I sit here still not fully comprehending my life ahead as the grief I’m feeling takes over everything and all the time feeling guilty that I couldn’t save her from this, I’m not able to express to my family how I’m really feeling inside so I keep it to myself and release it when I go to my counselling session I haven’t said anything to my dad as he’s 91 and dealing with his own grief and every day I worry about him, I just want my mum I miss her so so much i want her to hug me and tell me everything will be ok like she used to x

I’m yearning for my mum today so badly it hurts, I can barely move and my head feels like it’s in a vice, I’m so not prepared for this pain, but one thi g I can do is send you a hug, it’s absolutely no substitute but I’d just like to send it :people_hugging:

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And right back to you too x

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So so sorry for your loss,this is the worst time as its so raw for me I can only wish you well and hope you have a beautiful and peaceful funeral (I was dreading my mum’s, but it was beautiful) and sending you hugs xx

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Yes exactly. So sorry you are going through this as well. I know we usually provide the support and deal with the day to day running of things at home, but it’s taking everything to try and maintain that level mentally. I wish someone would just take over and say it’s ok we got this, go and heal your wounds, but I know that’s not possible :pensive:

I just want to say to everyone on here so sorry you are going through this, I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone, but I am comforted by the fact that there are others who understand and I now don’t feel quite as isolated with my feelings 🩷x


That’s exactly how I feel, my kids are only 12 and 14 so I can understand but their dad is an adult and not once has he asked me about my counselling or anything he just comes home from work has his tea and goes to bed no conversation really so I don’t bother telling him, it’s lonely inside my head at times x


I share your thoughts, it’s taken me over 5 hours to get off my sofa only because my beautiful dog wants to go for a walk. I think she will eventually be my saviour. This is my worst day ever since mam passed on 15th January, but because I found this site I now know that it’s just part of the process💔


It is and what your feeling is normal, at the beginning I didn’t even want to be around and wanted to be with my mum, I only got up of a morning because my kids needed to go to school and my dad was by himself so I pushed myself, I had to wait 9 weeks for my counselling and I thought I’m not going to be here but I came across this forum by chance and let it all out on here I wasn’t in the right frame of mind but I didn’t care I just had to let it out and the support from others on here validated what I was going through and it helped to talk to others going through what I was going through and I could let it all out without actually having to say a word it saved my life to be honest. I still do have really bad days when I think to myself I can’t live without my mum but then I think of my girls how would they feel if I wasn’t here and I wouldn’t want them to feel like I do right now, so I’m taking one day at a time I’m dealing with my grief bit by bit it’s a struggle but as my counsellor said I lost my mum and it’s still early days and I’ll eventually build a life around that grief x

So true. My husband has never been one for talking about things and I always relied on my Nan for that. We would talk about everything and anything until we got it off our chest and would have a cuddle. There’s no cuddles, no are you ok?, just you need to start moving on and you can’t go on like this; but for me it’s so fresh and like you I feel so alone in my head x

It’s so very soon for you and it’s crazily hard. I know what you mean though, everything seems to take a massive amount of effort, I genuinely struggle to get up in the mornings and some days go back to bed after sorting my dogs x

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I know that feeling of not wanting to be here in so much pain but I’ve got 3 daughters and also wouldn’t and couldn’t put the 3 of them through this
Unfortunately I’m one of these people who worries what people are saying or thinking about me and end up thinking it’s bad, ie has she not got over it yet? Its a very destructive habit I must get out of as it’s just adding to the stress