
It’s been 6 months today since I lost my wife. She was only 49 . Today has hit me and my son really hard. I thought it was supposed to get easier :unamused::cry:


I have been on this board since 2016. I am still on here when days are bad. For such a significant loss, 6 mos. is very early on. Several years to feel at all normal. but time goes so it will happen. you are I think still in deep deep grief.


im so sorry for your loss, i feel your pain, its been 3 months since i lost my husband. I know exactly how you are feeling. The day of my husbands funeral, i woke up feeling strong and in control, 4 weeks later and still to this day its like my world has come crashing down, its an intense pain. I only hope that as even more time goes by, you and I and everybody else feeling as we do, will learn to live with our loss. Sending lots of hope and strength to you and your son.


6 months is not long at all for such a huge loss. I’m 4 months in and finding each day harder as the shock and numbness I originally was experiencing has disappeared.
I think it takes a while to start to climb out of this hellhole - not sure how long but I feel it will be years for me to ever get back to remotely feeling like I can life a proper life again.
Be kind to yourself and try have faith that it will get easier some day.
Until then keep posting here if it helps. You are not a one on this horrible journey
Sending much love and strength to you xx