Stuck In A Life I Don’t Want

Jennison1966 thank you

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Hi Gibbo, so sorry, I can relate to your pain. It seems sometimes no one will ever understand the pain & despair. Take it hour to hour and day to day. Being so lonesome is scary, but sure we can all do it together. Take care, here ok x


Elaineb thanks for advise nomater what do the ipain is still there

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Loads people with you just now, the pain is unreal I know, one hour at a time my friend x

Elaine8 thanks again for being understanding

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I’m feeling lost. Just want my old happy life back. 4 months on I don’t know how to go forward.


I know that feeling I went to town on the bus but it’s not the same without Steve most off the time I just sit here
I’m 128 days without Steve