Such a difficult day

My darling wife passed away on the 23rd of May 2020, it was an ordinary Saturday until I came home and found her cold on the floor, my heart broke at that moment, she had been fine the day before.

The last 10 months have been a nightmare, I still cry and so want to see her, hold her hand and kiss her, I still can’t believe she has gone.

This is a song that she recorded and I uploaded to YouTube as a tribute to her. I suppose in one way I am lucky that I can hear her voice whenever I want.

I’ve shared this before but am sharing again, losing a soulmate is the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with and my heart goes out to everyone on this sad journey.



Dear Chas, im so sorry for your loss, what a lovely voice your wife has. I really enjoyed listening to her. Your grief is very raw and you are probably still in shock. Its 9 months since my beloved husband passed away. Awfully hard to sleep and even harder to get up. Take care of yourself and keep coming on here as we are all in the same boat. Margarita

Your wife has a fabulous voice Chas! I have woken up today exactly ten months since my husband Gerry died. I can still see and hear him in my head singing along to his favourite Al Stewart and Gordon Lightfoot tracks. We have all done well to get this far without them. Take care of yourselves, Janet

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Wow that was amazing to hear chas I feel your pain, i’m only 4 months in and cry all the time of the sad passing of my mick just 58 years old, i keep wondering what is it all about , life can do such horrible things to great happy people, for it to happen to us its so shocking, how do we ever get better from this. claire.

Sorry to hear that you lost Mick, he was no age, my wife had just turned 62. All I can say is cry as much as you have to, I still cry every day after 10 months, I don’t think you’ll ever get over losing a soulmate, someone said “ Grief is the price we pay for love” it’s a high price for sure, thinking of you.

Dear Chas

Beautiful voice and beautiful tribute.

My whole world collapsed in September 2020 when my husband died in a road traffic accident. I have a recording of him playing with our little grandson the day before he died which I sometimes force myself to watch to distract myself from thinking of what his final moments must have been.

I found a quote which read: Healing from your death will take me a lifetime" and that sums up my feelings totally.

Take care and thanks for sharing.


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Thank you Sheila, that’s so sad the way you lost him, they said my wife wouldn’t have suffered but just slipped away due to lack of oxygen, all I hope is your husband went instantly, no words can ever ease you’re suffering , I felt cheated as she was so gentle and very much loved and you hear of these monster that are pure evil living into old age, life can b so unfair.

Thinking of you Sheila and thank you for you’re lovely comments on my wife.


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