Such deep sadness

19months since my husband 52 had freak accident and fell and sustained head injury. Died after 10 days in icu where we werent allowed to be with him due to covid. Just dont know how i can cope with the intense feeling of loss. The pain is over whelming.


@Starman bless you, grief is absolutely heartbreaking isn’t it.
I lost my Mam 7 weeks ago, miss her so much I just want my life back and not this new life I have now :cry: :broken_heart:
I carnt begin to think what you went through not being able to be with your husband,.so traumatising for you.
I listen to podcasts that feature julia samuel she’s a grief specialist, she really helps you understand what your going through and it helps you make a bit of sense of it.
Take one day at a time like I do
Take care, always here for a chat :sparkling_heart: