Sudden death of companion

My life long friend and companion passed away suddenly 3 weeks ago and I performed CPR until paramedics arrived to take over. 1.5 hours later the decision was taken his heart could not sustain life to be taken to ambulance. I tingle all over and feel so empty inside…questions keep going round in my head, my comfort zone is sitting in garden alone but I know I need to let people in. Still waiting for post mortum, coroner, cardiologist and GP are disagreeing. I am just rambling really and feel do lost and lonely, Roger would want me to reflect on the positive and our memories.

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Hi, this is so hard for you as presumably you can’t get on and make any of the arrangements until everything is settled. When my husband died it was expected so straight forward. Still hard to deal with and accept. You are dealing with lots of emotions at the moment so please accept any help and support you can get. Hoping things will be sorted very soon. Hugs x

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