Sudden death of my 23 year old son

I wouldnt go im sure they would understand xx

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I know they would, that one my daughter will be with me for support. But thereā€™s another one in 4wks and Iā€™d have to go to the crematorium on my own, I suffer with anxiety since my daughter passed away xx

Course loosing our children has changed us .you have to think of yourself and your own health .people have to understand take care my friend big hugs zoe x

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I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to be honest, my friend wanted my support but she has plenty of other people. I am going to put myself first because I think it would be too stressful, take care and thank you for your advice Michaela xx

I also lost my daghter who was 25 to sarcoma ,13 weeks ago . Last time i spoke to counsellor she told me to BE KIND to myself and im trying . My girl fought cancer for a total of 10yrs with a terminal diagnosis 18mnths ago . And yes we were lucky to have thise 18mnths but her quality of life wasnt great and im angry that she went through all that to die at the end of it . I did my best to look after her as im sure you all did and kinda think it is time for me now .Michaela and Zoe ,you need to be kind to yourselves too. I have no doubt you are fantastic mums but now we all need some tenderness and love :heart: :heart:

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I really am trying to look after myself, as I have my own health issues but itā€™s so hard. I have lots of love and support from my partner and my other daughter, but they donā€™t fully understand my grief. I canā€™t imagine what you went through, your daughter having sarcoma for such a long time. Always here to talk :heart::heart:

Can i ask a personal question ,you obviosly donā€™t t need to answer . Has this terrible experience made you feel distant/different about your partner :heart:
Do you feel different about ither people in your life x

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My emotions are all over the place ,im all over the place . I dont know which way is up anymore :heart:

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I actually got with my partner 3 months after my daughter passed away, I was reunited with my eldest daughters dad. Heā€™s been very supportive and I can talk to him, but because heā€™s never lost a child he canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like. I feel very isolated as I only really have him and my daughter, everyone else has drifted away since we said goodbye at the funeral and wake. I barely sleep and when talking I get my sentences all jumbled up, I feel so lost without her x

Do you have close friends ? Im lucky i have good friends who are there waiting for me ti reach out to them . But you know i just kinda want to be alone ,with my pain . That doesnt even really make sense does it ? :heart:

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A have a couple of very close friends but at the moment, they are dealing with their own grief. Theyā€™ve both recently lost their mothers, I quite often find myself wanting to be on my own with my grief :heart:

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Hi Sheila - so sorry to hear about what has happened. My daughter died tragically in January last year. Words donā€™t describe the horrendous pain that comes with losing your own child of any age. I felt isolated and grief and yearning and anger and sadness, all the emotions hugely amplified alongside hopelessness because it canā€™t be fixed. Iā€™m very far from ā€˜getting over itā€™ which for me at least is impossible. I am beginning to see that I can learn, over time to learn to live with it. On bad days I just keep on keeping on. There are better days tho and I would not have thought that possible in the early days. This site definitely helps because people ā€˜get itā€™. Itā€™s part of my routine to have a look on here and see what I can learn from others in the same situation and to share my feelings too. You will get support and in the worst times we hold each other up. You arenā€™t alone on here, you are with good kind people who have lost their children and know how it feels. Itā€™s early days for you and the advice to be kind to yourself is good solid advice which to me sounded like nonsense in the first horrendous months. It takes time to slow down the thoughts and begin, slowly, slowly to begin to emerge again. I think most of us are changed forever. Iā€™ve been lucky with a good counsellor who on day one asked me what I wanted from counselling and itā€™s the same for many of us. I just want to find a way to lead some sort of meaningful, tho different life whilst always remembering and honouring my girl. Itā€™s a life long journey but it is possible to enjoy things again. After many months I just noticed I had a few minutes remission from the pain. Thatā€™s how I started with just a tiny minute or two when I was absorbed in something else. Baby steps. I wish you all the very best and I hope you keep posting, it can be a lifeline xxxxx

I lost my girl 14 . ago today ,it seems like yesterday but a long time ago all at the same time ,doesnā€™t really make sense . At present i find the feelings and desperation are relentless, but it is good to hear you say that there will come some moments when it will be bearable in the future . I cant imagine feeling like this forever ,u have a whole different life now . There are moments when i think i need to focus on me now as i spent so much of my life on hild because i had to look after my daughter ,she had years of illness. But i just donā€™t have the energy to do anything . Ive missed talking to everyone on this page ,there diesnt seem to be many posts recentlyā€¦hope everyoneā€™s okay :heart: