Sudden death of my 23 year old son

Hello, im new too this not sure how this works,

Really miss my son so much, full of anxiety every day is a struggle even to get out of bed, to help my daughter get ready for school, she is just 12, my other son is 18 , both kids have autism and adhd, my husband is staying as well, i dont want to keep off loading into him, will things get easier, its coming up to 8 months.


Hi ,there,sorry to hear about your son . Hp8 you dont mind me asking although if its too personal you dont need to say but what happened to your boy

Hi. No im glad someone did test back.
My son was going through chemo lymphoma. All was going brilliant it was in his chest. Was at hospital for check ups , all were good , Saturday boom ripped away he passed away with lung hemerage think thats how its spent. The blood was all over the place. Sorry to be so honest.


Thats obviously VERY traumatic. My daughter also had osteosarcoma in her chest wall

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Sorry to here this, big hugs, its so hard to move on,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your son, I lost my 24yr old daughter a year ago to sepsis. The first year is the worst, they say it gets easier over time but I’m still really struggling.


Yeah they say it gets easier but not sure i want it to get easier, crazy as that sounds . This is my new life that i never wanted . My daughter was 26 and died of cancer 12 weeks ago . Im kinda through the distraught and cant breath stage to just numb and watching life carry on all around me . These chats are great because it makes you feel “normal” in your wacky thoughts/emotions.No one can feel how we feel unless theyve experienced it for themselves(hopefully not). Ive lost grandparents and a parent but this is a new level of grief losing a child ,no matter what age they were . I dint mean that disrespectfully but ,to me ,it feels so much worse❤️


It’s true no one can possibly understand unless they have experienced it themselves, nobody ever expects a child to die before themselves. I’ve lost my parents and my brother, but this was a whole new level of grief. I have good days and bad days, sometimes the grief is so bad I don’t even want to get up. But I force myself and remind myself that life goes on, there’s always little things that remind me of my daughter, and the tears just start flowing. I have nightmares of the last time I saw her, I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, at times it feels like I’m just existing. Talking to people who are going through the same thing, is some comfort because they too are grieving for a child, and so they understand it properly :heart:

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Me too ,i now have anxiety which i never had before. It was getting that i didnt want to leave the house but was very aware that its not a good way to go . I do try and go out but not very far :heart:

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I do go out but I always end up having a panic attack beforehand, I’m on medication now which helps. I try and think of it from my daughters point of view, if she was still here and what she’d say to me :heart:

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My friend came to take me out and i had an attack in het car ,struggling to breathe because i was crying so hard . We just sat there for a while and eventually calmbed down enoght to actually go get coffee . I never expected to have these physical reactions through grief before she died . I also know what my daughter would say but she was a much stronger person than me :heart:

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Thankfully my eldest daughter is here to help me through, my partner lives in a different town but he’s also patient and understanding. I’ve had bereavement counselling which helped, but I feel lost now it’s finished. Sometimes it feels like people are judging me, because I can cry at any time and any random thing :heart:

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Ive had one counselling session but she went on holiday so 2 weeks until 2nd session . I have my younger daughter and partner but still feel alone ,not anyones fault . I dint like saying it but i just feel differently about everyone i know ,i dont know why ,it doesnt make sense ,i feel isolated from them even though we’re all in the same grieving process :heart:

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Even with the support I have I feel alone, I always feel like people look at me different now because I lost my daughter. I had to go through an inquest because she died suddenly, and I was convinced people would somehow blame me. My counsellor spaced out my sessions to every 2 or 3 weeks, in between was hard to cope :heart:

Hi ladys im so truly sorry for your loss you find yourself here .all our lifes changed forever. I lost my son sam he was just 25 two years on the 27th. To sarcoma .4 months and he was gone .i want to say it gets better . At first your in such shock .nothing is real .the pain subsides but the reality has kicked in there not coming back .the hurt dont go in your heart and you have to learn this new existence. All i can say this site has safed me .the only people that get you .always some one to talk to. The thread lost son at 27 .lots people on there lost there children .all i can say baby steps your amazing to get out of bed sending big hugs zoe xx :heart:


So sorry about your son Zoe, I’ve been told I’ll never get over my loss, but we learn to live our lives around our grief. I’ve found this group to be a saving grace, because we all know exactly what it’s like to lose a child. Unless you’ve been through it yourself you don’t understand, I find it hard to open up to people but again this group helps me to do that xx :heart:

Its the wrong way round ,our children are not ment to go before us. Its so wicked .they say they only take the best . I try to be ok but jnside the pain is so bad .do you have other children xx

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I have another daughter who is older than my daughter I lost, she’s been amazing throughout all of this despite her own grief. Nobody ever wants to see a child go before themselves, I’ve lost any faith I had because why would he take away our children. Life can be so cruel xx

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Me to i have a daughter jess shes 30 as a family we been through to much this life is very cruel always here to chat look after yourself xx

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My eldest was 30 last month, we’ve got a family funeral in 2wks but it’s the first time going to the crematorium since my daughters cremation. Don’t know how I’m going to feel being there again xx