Sudden death

It’s nearly three weeks since my husband died , we were on a short break ,walking home to the apartment when he collapsed and died. We had been married 49 years he was my soulmate, I miss him so much, still cant believe what has happened he was not unwell.
There was a post mortem but because I live in tenerife the cause of death is not put on the death certificate ,I have to go to court to apply for a copy.
I am finding this really hard not knowing why he died and they say it could take up to three months before it is processed.
At the moment I am in scotland with my daughters and grandchildren, which is a great comfort, but eventually i will be going back to tenerife to face life alone.

So sorry for your loss it really is hard
My husband passed December the 5th
I am struggling every min off the day
Andy caught Covid he was fit and strong
But it still took him
Stay with your daughter as long as you can
Take care xx

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