Sudden death

I know its hard to stay strong ,some days you just won’t to hide .but like you say you get up and face the day .just take it one day at a time.always good to talk …take :heart: care love sallyxxx

I know what you mean. I lost my dad 10 years ago after illness. We had prepared ourselves and my focus was on looking after my mum and my then younger children. Losing my husband suddenly, who I have been with since we were 16, is so far off the scale I don’t know how to navigate this grief. I just feel that I have no future - not one that is worthwhile. My future was going to be happy (whatever happened) because it was with him. Only people that have lost their soulmate can understand this.


Today is our son’s birthday. We could not celebrate last year because of lockdown so had so many plans for today. Now trying to paint the smile so that I can go round and make sure he has a good day. I just do not understand how in twelve months my life could now be so changed and not the one I ever imagined and certainly do not want.

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my daughter’s birthday was 11 May. Her first after her mother’s departure 2 months earlier. I bought her a pendant with letter of her name engraved on it; I also bought a delicious cake from her favourite bakery. I celebrated with her in the morning before she went to school. She was calm and appeared to be happy. At the door I hugged her and said I’d love her just as mom did. I just couldn’t help crying at that moment.
It’s doubly heartbreaking to see our children suffer.

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I feel doubly heartbroken for my three children. To have lost their fantastic Dad at a young age is so hard to understand. There will always be a gaping hole at any of their big celebrations and they also get an unhappy Mum thrown in. No matter how hard I try to hide it from them, they know. Life feels very cruel at the moment.


It is my son’s birthday in a couple of weeks. I am dreading it for him and me. I feel so sad the my wonderful husband won’t be there. I watched a show my daughter was in on Saturday- the first one he hasn’t seen. I was in hysterics afterwards. It just doesn’t get any better.

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Just to put it in perspective - the show was about a young couple falling in love, having their son and then the father dies when the son is about to have his own family. Not the best storyline for someone who has just lost the love of their life.

Son’s birthday today. I went round his house empty handed. I cannot bring myself to write cards without husband’s name. Son went out with his partner while myself and my mother watched the two grandchildren. It breaks my heart because I know that our son desperately wanted his dad to be here for him and his two little son’s.

As Hcm says, not only has he lost a dad but have lost me as well. Then on top of this it will be the same in 8 weeks when it is our daughter’s birthday.

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I think when our soulmate dies, three quarters of the couple goes - them and half of us as well. Doesn’t leave much of us left but enough to hurt an awful lot. Sending hugs


It is so heartbreaking. It is so difficult as we cannot mend our children’s broken hearts or take away their pain.

The pendant is a wonderful gift to give to your daughter. As I am sure you will please keep hugging your daughter.

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It really is hurting me as my wife and I put a lot of effort to protect her from harms; we made sure she learn how to be a smart girl. We spent time talking to her/ listening to her needs. She grows up to be an upright, mature and loving little lady. We were so proud of her. But I can just watch her losing her dearest mom, her best friend…helplessly.
Now I hug her every morning and said I love you when she goes to school. I didn’t do that in the past. I thought we have many days ahead. Now I don’t know if today is my last. I finally come to realize I have to live for the day…
Sending hugs…be safe

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That is so lovely and I am sure that your daughter gets re-assurance and comfort from this.

Take care

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I agree with this but never heard it that way. I said the other day to someone but didn’t know the saying. My wife of 34 years died suddenly and unexpectedly in March and she was my soulmate, my world, my everything and I said she was way more than my better half. I miss her more each and every day and if nor for caring for MIL who has dementia I wouldn’t have a reason to get out of bed. It has been a terrible 18 months which I have posted about. My son is handling a little better than me but he has friends that he can talk with, I don’t. Some venting has helped me and I have written in 6 notebooks so far to get it off my chest.