Sudden death

I recently lost of the two most important men in my life my dad suddenly last September aged 87 but i had the support of my husband of 42 years but then danny died 18th April at 3am in the morning of a sudden heart attack he was rushed to icu and we sat with him for 3 days before they said he was brain dead I’ve never felt so much pain in my life wish I’d of died with him


@Debrat you have my deepest sympathy. It is 10 months on Wednesday when I said my last goodbye to my soulmate, he had been in ICU for 7 days following a massive heart attack but he never regained consciousness and his organs were failing and I had to make the heartbreaking decision to take him off of life support. I would like to say it gets easier and I guess in some respects it does but I still can’t believe that he is gone. I have pictures of him all around my flat and I talk to him regularly
My family and friends are all very supportive but they can’t replace the hole that has been left in my life by his passing


Thankyou so much for your reply my husband was absolutely fine the day before and sometime in the early hours of 16th April i heard banging and strange noises coming from the bathroom i pushed door and he had collapsed against toilet ambulance came straight away and they managed to get his heart beating but the damage had already been done but hospital still wanted to give him a chance so me and my two daughters stayed with him until they switched the machines off after 3 days I’ve been off work and am hoping to go back next week but don’t no if I’ll have the strength don’t know how i get through each day its torture


Its so hard losing two people so close, especially when so sudden. My dad passed away 14th Dec 22 although he was 92 and had dementia, his death came very suddenly, then my husband who had cancer passed 19th Dec 22, his health had deteriorated and was due to start a new treatment, but his death also came so suddenly, i believe my dads passing had such a big impact on my husband as he looked upon my dad as a father figure, we had been together since we were 18 and hubby didn’t have a good relationship with his own family. The only comfort i get is hoping they are both together :broken_heart:


I felt exactly the some my dad was my husbands best mate they loved each other he took my dads passing bad but at least i had Danny to help me get through my dads passing but i feel I’ve got nobody to help me with this I’ve got family and friend’s but I’m pushing them away go out with dog can’t wait to get home and then when I’m home can’t stop crying

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Yes i no their together

Thats me as well! My husbands mother passed in August 2023 she was 91, My Nick was an only adopted child, and he always thanked her for adopting him, I had to organise her funeral Nick couldn’t handle it, Then January this year my ex husband the Father of my son was found dead in his flat, (now I felt nothing but relief ) he was an alcoholic wife beater! but my son was left with organising his fathers funeral ! and then he loses his Step Dad my Nick, and this time I feel I have no one, my son still lives at home but he is hardly ever here, Nick and I preferred each others company to those of others. The thought of going back to work in two weeks time, and part of my job is to be welcoming and happy ! and I just don’t think I can do that. I am collecting Nicks ashes on Thursday , I didn’t think I would do this but I have had an urn engraved and I want him on the left hand side of the bedroom, just in a little corner, so as always he will be on my left side x