Sudden Loss of Brother

Hello Heather,

I do not know why, but my brain has changed a bit. I am a bit calmer but I also feel empty now, bit like a zombie. I had it at the beginning, the day my brother died. No idea if it is a good sign but I do not like it. I guess I cannot win. Perhaps it is because I have not talked to fiends for a while. ?? Cause and effect? Perhaps it is because I do not get much sleep at the moment. I am so tired but I cannot sleep. - Did anyone else had this problem? (It is 2 years and 6 month for me now.)

I hope you and your brother are OK.


Oh Nick. I have buried my head for the past week or so and I am really sorry not to have noticed you had messaged. Perhaps you are feeling a bit brighter now but I can certainly relate to the emptiness feeling. I have read that sometimes the second year is worse than the first for loss. The thing with siblings is that we are grieving for both loss of the past, the present and loss of the future.

For me, it has been the second month anniversary of Stuartā€™s passing and I decided to text him to let him know I missed him. I then promptly got even sadder when I saw my message hadnā€™t even been delivered, let alone answered - not sure what I was expecting really.

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Hi Heather,

how are you coping? It is easy to hide away, but I found it does not help. (I have tried it.) Do you have contact with your friends? Your brain will probably change a bit over the next few months, but it is normal. I found the best therapy is to be with other people. I missed that bit and it might have prolonged everything. (Two years and six months for me now.) It took me many months to join groups. - So many people know my name now. My brain still has problems to remember other peopleā€™s names. - Not all people go through the second year, but I did. My depression did set in after 14 months, but it is not so bad now.
Do you have friends you can talk to? If not, you can always write here.

Take care and carry on writing here. - Nick