Sudden loss of my Dad

Hello :wave:t4:
I suddenly lost my Dad last month, 19 short days after he was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer. We had no warning or signs there was any issues and over those short days we rushed to be with him and spent every day with him until the final week where the suffering was too much and his body could not take anymore.
I just don’t even know where to begin and process the sudden, sadness, heartbreak and heavy feelings I have. Albeit early the flood of emotions and sadness at the time we have been robbed off is making each day difficult. Losing a parent I know is normal but he was young, had not yet retired and I’m grieving for myself and for him too. Not quite sure how I will navigate life after this.
All advice, words of wisdom and guidance welcome


Hi, I’m sorry to read your post and know how heartbroken you must feel. My Mum also died unexpectedly and suddenly of the same condition. We didn’t find out until a post mortem. I’m eight months along in this grief journey and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions. The raw early days of processing the shock and trying to organise a funeral. Then the agony of trying to adjust to the absence. It’s best to take each day as it comes without imposing any expectations on yourself. I have done a lot of reading about grief and gathered lots of advice and information. I have accepted that this devastating loss has changed me forever and I must now try to go forward and live my life as best I can. I miss my Mum and being the Executor for her estate has proved very stressful. All we can do is to keep going as our parents would want us to do… best wishes xx


Thank you for your sweet words. I know I’m not alone in this and it’s a club I never wanted to be part of. Hope you are finding ways through your journey xxx

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