Sudden loss

A few weeks ago my mum suddenly passed away I’m really finding it hard to cope with I just can’t understand how someone can be fine one minute and gone the next I really don’t know where to turn there is also an inquest going on as well and I’ve just no closure at the moment and really don’t know what to do


@Carriesaxx at this early raw stage all you can do is take each day as it comes. You’re trying to process a huge trauma so you can expect to feel devastated. Grief has an impact physically and emotionally so focus on trying your best to look after yourself. Not easy at such difficult times but stick to the basics of eating, resting and sleeping. Do whatever helps to provide a sense of comfort. When my Mum died suddenly last year I was in robot mode initially. Walking in nature helped me, moving seems to help distract from difficult feelings. Have no expectations of how you should feel or behave because that will only place undue pressure on yourself. Sending best wishes xx

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Thank you That is exactly how I feel robot mode
I feel like I have to be strong for the kids especially my son as he was the one who found her after she collapsed and not let them see me upset is so tiring I just feel drained all the time

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Hi @Carriesaxx
So sorry for your loss, I lost my mam suddenly 6 weeks ago, she was laughing and joking with me, then the next minute she passed out post-mortem revealed it was an Aortic aneurysm that ruptured. The only comfort I take from it, was it was quick for her but the pain is awful I miss her constantly. Take it hour by hour and do whatever your body tells you to do, sending hugs xx

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@Carriesaxx it’s so hard trying to protect others from seeing your grief but try to find some time when you can express your true feelings. Grief can be full of sorrow and stress for a considerable time so you can’t bottle it all up. Take care xx

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