My partner died suddenly in his sleep 3 weeks ago. The first week was an absolute blur but this week has been deep routed pain uncontrollable sobbing anger and confusion. I cant see a way through and dread my future. The funeral is next week.
So, so sorry for your loss……
It’s early days for you and the shock is huge and the loss so hard to process……
We all totally understand here because we are all going through the same losses and know how you feel….we are all at diferent stages of this awful journey……
Everyone here will support you as much as we can…
Sending strength and love to you
Lisa x
I am 7 weeks in, so I know what you are going through all too well and I am so very sorry for your loss. Horrific.
Here is how I manage. I life hour by hour. I can’t think of my entire future at this time, only what is happening in the next hour or so. To think too far ahead is to mourn a future that is now gone and it makes me feel faint, nauseous and weak in my legs. So, when the “future” happens, I will handle it then.
I can’t mourn the loss of my husband and the loss of our/my future and the uncertainty of my life all at the same time.
Make a list of 5 things to accomplish each day, do them and check them off. It will be physical evidence that you are moving - direction unknown - but moving.
Even if you have no appetite, eat at least 3 small bits a day.
Prep for the funeral. Make hair and nail appointments, select your best clothes, shoes and jewelry, try it all on and make sure it fits and you can wear it all for hours. Looking your best will help to give you the confidence to stand up and face the guests.
Hour by hour, step by step, we survive. Soon, we will thrive again. Meanwhile, cry, rage, scream, beat up pillows and wail. You will stop one day. This early physical and emotional pain will not last forever, we will figure it all out and learn to live a different life. We will.
It sucks.
I am so sorry Babs. My wife died suddenly five weeks ago. She was only 57.
I am going through the same emotions and this week, for the first time I have felt angry that she has gone. Angry that she couldn’t be saved and angry for her leaving me.
My future scares me as well. We weren’t ready for either of us to die. My life has turned weird. I am having to do things I never dreamed I would have to do.
We all understand the pain you are going through, Babs. It’s horrific. Everyone on here has been amazingly kind and a great comfort to me. I really hope it will be the same for you. Sending you lots of hugs.
I’m 5 weeks in now, I feel your pain, it’s the worst feeling imaginable. Take one day at a time, I know it’s hard, every morning you wake up it hits you like a bullet. I don’t sleep either, I didn’t eat, ate Jaffa cakes. Cried all day. Week five I’m on a roller coaster, up and down, had two horrific days, today I travelled 40 miles to see my friends as I don’t have anyone near me. It lifted my spirits, I go out a walk every day, I try to do at least one thing a day. Today I learned how to charge my ring doorbell, that was an achievement as I didn’t know what to do, had to find the wee screwdriver that I saw the man on google doing, then hunt for the cable to charge it. I went manic cleaning the first week so quite proud of myself today. I’m also learning to light and keep our coal fire burning. I’m on baby steps. Take care and sending hugs xxx
Thank you so much my partner was 56. He went to sleep and never woke up. I amso sorry for your loss. It is truely devastating.
@Babs5 i hope things are slightly better for you now . It was the first three months I was in a shocked state due to his sudden passing too . 18 months on I am still upset and miss him like crazy . Take care my love