Suicide attempt

After my mom sudden demise, everything has been different, the last 6 months I have witnessed is something I wish people don’t go through.

I stay in India, and my family has always stayed together, my mom was the glue between my dad,me, my brother and I have a grandmother but after mom’s death a lot of blaming, a lot of misunderstanding and mis communication is happening, my dad has literally moved on and doesn’t care about anything and anyone, my grandmother now thinks she is the boss and wants to control us.

My brother has been on medication nd at times try to self harm or react in a way that scares the shit out of you, I have been very scared, depressed and feel something more bad may happen, I request dad please help but he is not bothered, I have limited financial support and to atleast save myself considering to leave temporarily but idk if I should do that, I can’t watch another death and can’t live like this feeling scared and in anxiety

when a major figure in the family dies, it leaves the rest of the family lost and wandering. it breaks up the family, so to speak.

with this going on, I would seek counseling. I did after losing my parents.
this is among the most traumatic times you will have in your whole life and you need some neutral person on your side.

your brother must be so bereft. he should have counseling too if your father has shall we say, checked out. your grandmother must be trying to hold things together along with losing her child.

We did have counselling but still all this is happening and it is just too much to take, I can’t go through this more and I am not able to see a way out.

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Thanks for your kind words, this community is great, but still grief is such a thing it comes in waves and alot of things go on everyday