
Has anyone else suffered loss through suicide? Im struggling a lot right now x

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My partner Blaise took his own life on the 27th of December. I don’t have any answers or advice but you are not alone if that is a comfort. I am sure we have the same thoughts going through our heads so if you want someone to talk to I’m here.

Look after yourself x

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I’m so sorry to hear this. My cousin took his life Xmas morning and I just can’t come to terms with it. I thought I would find it easier after the funeral but I’m still feeling the same x

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I am so sorry about your cousin, I know how hard it is, I also hoped the funeral would make it a little easier but it just made me realise he is never coming back. I am trying to think that he is at peace now, but it doesn’t make it easier for us still living.

My partner Blaise thought he had a degenerative disease and was scared of the future, but he did not know for sure. It’s going to take a very long time to move on, but you can live your life for your cousin, do the things he never got to do. You can still talk to them, it’s not the same but it keeps them with us if only a bit.

I am sorry I can’t offer you any help, we have just got to try and find a way through each day, and hope that they are in a better place, it’s all we have I’m afraid. There are a lot of people here that are going through a similar experience so don’t feel alone, we can help each other it will just take time.

Don’t bottle things up though, talk, shout, scream, do what ever you have to do.

Look after yourself, x


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Lost my stepson a few years ago with no answers. There’s an Organisation called Cruse might be another way forward for you. :feather::pray:

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