
Good Evening i would like to be able to talk about my emotions, how to cope strategies a listening hear who is going though the same as i am.
My son took his life on the 6 Dec 2023 age 22.

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I am so very sorry for your awful loss. Some ideas that have helped me: when it hurts especially badly, put your hand over your heart to hold it and hold the pain; wear something of his, if you can; sit next to where he used to sit and pretend you’re holding hands, if you used to - or just looking at him but with your eyes closed; stroking your knee or arm as though comforting a child - they may make you feel sadder but for me they make it a more bearable sadness. Thinking of you XXX

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Thank you for your reply. X

Hi there

I have also lost my son by suicide. He was 27.
Im so sorry for your loss :mending_heart::people_hugging:

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I would like to know if there are any groups that meet up and chat ive not spoken to a counsellor but i do go to a group once every 3 weeks but im looking for a more regular group with people that are feeling what i feel.

Hi im also sorry for your loss if you ever what to talk to me or even meet up if we are not to far from each other i would be happy with that.
Take care
Josie. X

Thank you for your reply you know its not when i feel sad its the why ifs questions and then my anxiety gets the better off me and i don’t believe any one that has lost a child to suicide can understand that pain and those feelings that go with it.