
I lost my Husband of almost 50 years on 8th July after being depressed.
I am having to deal with our affairs and coping with his sudden death.
I would like support and speak to other people that have gone through this.

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Please contact SOBS…survivors of bereavement by suicide. Invaluable help with support and groups. Keep strong, there are people who will give you lots of emotional and practical advice.

Many thanks x

Hi Christine,

I’m so sorry to hear that you have lost your husband to suicide. It is very early days for you and it is likely that your emotions will be all over the place, or you may still be in shock. You have come to the right place to talk to others who have lost loved ones and will understand some of what you are going through. We had another user called Lulu02 post recently, who also lost her partner to suicide. You can read and reply to her post here:

I would also agree with EllenAlex’s suggestion to get in touch with SOBS.

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Thank you Priscilla for your comment.
Today is a bad day as I am now realising how much I have to do to sort out my Husband (Colin) paperwork.
I haven’t started to think how I can move on from here or sort out all our belongings.
I have strong support from family, my worst times are waking and getting up and when going to bed.
I will be reading further posts from the link you gave me.
I have looked at SOBS but find it not easy to work through their site.
Christine xx

I lost my husband to suicide last September. He suffered with depression and anxiety & we’ll as having heart condition. I was his full time carer we’d been together 23 yrs and each day is really difficult.

Hi Jalin, I notice you have posted three times on here, and have received no replies, so just wanted to say that I am very sorry that your husband suffered from depression and killed himself, and any time you need to talk, please keep posting, hopefully more people will see your message and help you.

And @ChristineT, I hope you’re doing ok …

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