Sunday's are the worst

Having read the messages here I can see I’m not alone. Losing my wife hurt me more than words can describe. I hate Sundays…it was our day.
In the house alone now after 30 years of being with a special person.
8 months on and the hurt is still with me. Not doing Christmas this year and probably won’t ever again.
Thank you


Yep I get it, Sundays are a special day when partners are together so I think for that reason we feel it more on a Sunday.

The word “hurt” resonates, I felt hurt that I was left alone, before my husband died he asked if I’d blame him for going? I haven’t but he seemed to have an insight into how I might feel.

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Hi Andy. You’re so right. Sunday my darling wife would sit in the garden and listen to the church bells. She loved them. It’s our wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve and this will be the first one without her. I really understand how you feel, it is so difficult. All the best to you.

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I’ve just joined this site as I am totally lost . My husband died 5 weeks ago and I agree Sundays are the worst . I feel so alone and overwhelmed with grief .

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Thanking you for the response. I can really relate to your words. When we received the cruel diagnosis she turned to me and said sorry.

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It is so difficult. People say “Oh you’ll get over it but you won’t. My wife died 5 months ago after only 6 weeks of getting ill. Hopefully you have people to support you. Thankfully this site is fantastic. Keep strong!

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I talk to my wife everyday and today I asked her to guide me because of having a bad day. I joined this site and it’s helped me.
Take care


Every morning I come downstairs and say morning to my Darling. Kiss her photo. My Goodness me miss her so much.

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You are right. Whenever people ask if I’m ok I always reply yes don’t worry.
This is the first time I’ve reached out.
Thank you for the support.


Thank you for that, it helps to know another spouse said the same sort of thing, I couldn’t understand it at the time, it hurts to think he was thinking of how I’d be when he went.

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