Sunday's 😒

So the first thing that pops up on my phone is photo’s of our last good holiday together, 2 years ago before my husband was poorly, my phone kindly put a little album with music and i couldn’t stop myself from watching it, stupid i know. Its been nearly 8 weeks and i mostly get on with things and am ok ish but Sunday’s are the worst, i seem to go 2 steps forward then 1 step back. Missing him so much and missing our Sunday together, nice roast, films, chatting. Trying to keep busy but ive been like a whirlwind since it happened and running out of things to do. Just very lost without him. Thank you for letting me share x


I think we all struggle on Sundays. I am certainly having a bad one. I also miss the traditional Sunday things. Roast dinner, what’s the point without him here to enjoy it. Snuggle on the sofa, he isn’t here to snuggle with. Summer afternoons in the garden, that’s not going to happen. I just took my daughter out into the garden for a bit of fresh air. Got her wheelchair stuck in the lawn because it’s too heavy for me to manage. Finally got her unstuck and I had locked us out. Luckily I had left the conservatory door unlocked, but I was starting to panic.
So, now I have to go and struggle with changing the duvet covers on the beds.
I never thought I would look forward to Mondays.

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Thats definitely not a good start to Sunday, so glad you had left a door unlocked, totally understand the panic. Yes, roll on Monday! Id like to say today can only get better but that is tempting fate :thinking: still at least its not raining. Best wishes to you x