Support for others

Hello i have just set my 1st post introducing myself

I missed out the details that
My Hubby John Gavin
Who had passed away suddenly and unexpectidly 9 & a half yrs ago
Was only 44 yrs of age at the time

On my previous post my typo error
Says i am 44 but im not it was john who was 44 i am
2 wks away from being 49yrs of age

Please can i ask if anyone has any advice for me and possibly interested in setting up a bereavement coffee morning group
And becoming part of a team who want to help other s
Also work as part of a team who want to get involved in local organiseations

Please drop me a line
And me show others
How death can teach us how to live
And for us to help those struggling finding reasons
To live following the death of loved ones

Thanks .


Hi I lost my hubby 8 weeks ago he was only 44 too. I’m 53 so was blessed to have had a wonderful 13 years with a gorgeous toy boy. He always used to say to me to mingle more with people as he did long hours in his job. I always was a bit of a loner and now wish I had listened to him. There are no groups where I live and I’m so lonely and alone without him. He wasn’t ill and he passed away very suddenly whilst we were on holiday. Sending hugs.