Support Issues whilst grieving.

I used to be this bubbly girl, who was a friendly outgoing person.
Until my beloved only brother died suddenly at 50 in February .
Since then Im so heartbroken as he had everything to live for .
I feel so sad all of the time .I dont go to work anymore or have any social life as still in shock and no idea how to move forward .
The problem Im having is all the good friends I thought I had have just disappeared .Get an odd text but not the support I need from them .
Ive been a good friend to these people over the years and its horrible been made to feel left out and never asked to do anything anymore .
It makes this living nightmare 10 times worse .
Its like pulling teeth with them.
I need to make new friends I think when Im up to it??
Thank goodness for my beautiful amazing strong Mum.

i am so sorry for your loss i lost my husband of 47 years 17 weeks ago and it sucks i am glad to read you have your mum to lean on and i would suggest keep leaning on her i am sure you are both helping each other at this sad time as for your so called friends that is hard for you but dont expect to much of yourself just take all the time you need and at some point you will feel strong enough to go back to work its just baby steps one minute at a time or one hour at a time we are all on this forum for you

Thank you for the lovely message.
Your loss Im sorry xx