
Hi can I please ask , I’m 5 months into losing my adult son , at first I was getting support from friends but now the texts are if you need to meet for a cuppa just text me , is this usual

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Hi @Theia123 Firstly, I’m so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you’re going through. To answer your question, sadly, in my experience the answer is yes. My partner passed away nearly 4 months ago and after the funeral I noticed some friends slip quietly away into the shadows but family and some friends have stuck around, call regularly and are there if I need them. Regardless of whatever belief system people have, they seem to think that once a funeral is over then life returns to normal for the bereaved but it doesn’t. I don’t think people understand what we go through if they haven’t experienced it themselves. You’ll find a lot of help and support on these forums and whilst its not the same as meeting face to face it can be helpful. Best wishes

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I can’t really add much more than @JustSomeBloke, I lost my wife of 49 years about 12 months ago and my experience has been pretty much the same.
Losing a child, whatever the age is suffocating, my sister’s son died the same age as our father 53, both deaths hit us very hard.
I wish you comfort in your grief.

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Thank you :heart:

This is very much our experience too, we lost our daughter aged 44 last year on May 15th. Prior to the funeral we had so much support from so many people, after the funeral people moved on having had their closure! My thoughts are with you in your grief and am here if you need support!

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Hi can I just say I’m sorry for your loss. I feel your pain, my daughter passed in April this year, since she’s been cremated, it seems everyone’s moved on with their lives. I’m great full for having family members that ring & text but at the same time I feel so isolated & alone.
I’m here if you need me.

Hi , so sorry your in this position, it’s a hard road to walk and as family and friends can sympathise they really have no idea of the pain we share unless they’ve been thro it but one thing I do know we keep going x

Hi Theia, dont wait for others to get in touch, reach out to them.
I learnt some time after my son died my friends felt they were intruding, that they were giving me space . They were not telling me certain things as they felt I needed protected from bad news and negative things.
If this is happening you will be feeling isolated, we need to maintain our connection to people, to life around us. All it all gets too much alone in our heads
Speak to your friends, tell them you need to keep active and included.
So sorry for your loss xx

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