Supporting friend at Christmas / New Year

Dear all

I have posted on here once before about how to support my friend who sadly lost their boy earlier this year.

A few months more have passed now but I know they are already struggling and will continue to do so over the coming weeks and into the New Year.

If you don’t mind me doing so I wondered if I could ask those of you who wouldn’t mind sharing what has helped from your friends at this time over the years. I am sure nothing really “helps” but is there anything that perhaps shows support and that you are being thought of?

Is there anything to avoid e.g a card (not a Christmas card but just a blank card to write some messages of support) is that just not helpful? I would like to get the family a gift - nothing Christmassy just some items of comfort perhaps - but I really don’t want to do anything that would cause any unnecessary upset.

Thank you so much for any thoughts.

Dear @Oscar1

I have not been in this position myself but hopefully can give you some ideas on what to do.

Christmas is a very sensitive time and just being there for the family is a big help by letting them know you care by checking in on them by texts, emails or in person. You could get a blank card and write a few words and let them know you are there for them and perhaps get a Poinsettia plant (or any plant) as a gift. Keep it simple and not to Christmassy. Is there a particular charity the family support you could donate to in their son’s memory as a gift.

If you look at The Compassionate Friends there is a section Coping With Christmas where you can download a booklet which may be of help for your friends and for you for advice.

I hope the above is of help to you.

Take care.
