Sweet memories

I am new here.

It is several years since my husband died. How is it that the memories of him grow sweeter with the passage of time?
Ignorant people may say that time heals. It really does not. My greatest comfort is to snuggle into my pillow and think of those golden times we had and how marvellous it will be when I am with him again. I know he will come for me as I take my last breath. I must believe this or life has surely been meaningless.


Hi Rachel50.
It’s so lovely of you to share a little positive with us all. I only lost my fiancee in January so it is all still very raw.
I miss him every second of the day and long to see him for one last time. He passed quite suddenly and no one really could see it coming. I long for the days when I can think of him and just feel happy for the special years we managed to share instead of feeling cheated and left behind.
Until I join him once again x