
I went to a TaiChi session yesterday. I expected to feel like a bit of a dick because it’s not really my kind of thing. It was quite good, I did feel a bit of a dick because everyone else knew what they were doing, whereas I must have looked like a trapped animal clawing my way out of a trap.
Anyway, my point is that most of the class were widows, and they all said how much better they felt, both mentally and physically since they started doing the classes.
I am not claiming that I came away cured of my grief, but it was better than I was expecting. I googled the supposed benefits when I got home and many people say it is helpful for bereaved people.
I intend to go again.
Hopefully I will soon look like a graceful swan instead of an injured sloth.


Interesting - I might google to see if there is a class near me!
My gym don’t do TaiChi but do yoga, which I go twice a week and at the end of each class I find myself so emotional and tearful - someone told me yoga is supposed to help you release emotions - that must be it!
Hope you feel even better next session x

Well done! I practised tai chi up until mum passed and havent found the motivation to return to class yet, but it is really good for you. :heart:

I have found that practicing mindfulness has actually been helpful, I tend to use it when those moments of the day are beginning to overwhelm, concentrating your thoughts on your breathing and with practice, minimising invading thoughts can often be helpful, it just breaks that build up of thoughts that can start to overwhelm.

Both good tips tai chi and mindfulness. I hope to do both soon. Glad it helped Willow

The two work beautifully together - when i first started tai chi i used to dash into class after a stressful day at work and find it really hard to absorb the teaching. I had a break from it but discovered mindfulness in the meantime, then when i returned to tai chi i noticed how different it felt - meditation and movement combined.