Taking Stock

So today it is 8 months since my world collapsed. Am coping?..yes but I don’t want to. Is time healing?..definitely not. Can I see a way forward?..no. Have I sought support?..yes…18 councelling sessions and consultations with GP. What do I do next?..same as yesterday. How do I feel?.. terrible…fading …weird. And now another weekend…hope you manage it ok…love to all members of this unimaginably awful club :disappointed::love_you_gesture::heart:


Hi @UnityMan , it’s so surprising how time goes by and we keep going , even though we never imagined we would when our partners died. It’s two years for me . I’m starting to realise I must try and find a life now without my husband .I really don’t want to , but what if I’m still here for years .I love and miss him so much each and every day . It hasn’t gotten easier for me , I don’t think it ever will. Maybe it’s just me and my mindset but I can’t help the way I am . Hope you manage to cope with yet another weekend .xtake carex


9 months for me @UnityMan … hard isnt it. I just like to sleep as it helps me forget how damn miserable it is without our loved one ! Miss him so much !!! What an awful life we now have ! I try to be positive but how can i be positive when i miss him every bloody day ? X


It’s just over 7 months for me and I still feel lost. It’s so hard to look forward, to think of a future without them, but I know I must. People think I’m amazing and managing really well but they only see the face I put on outside, indoors I just let myself go. Hopefully in time we learn to cope with this dreadful loss in a way even though they will always be part of us. (Sorry about the problematic typing stupid fat cat won’t move off my lap!)