Thank you everyone

I have only been on here a day and want to say thank you to those who saw my message and replied as I was quite anxious about joining this site I really only came to look if anyone else was going through similar to me at the loss of my Graham but when I saw everyone feels loss and grieves in so many different ways I realised I am certainly not alone thinking and behaving the way I am, lost, sad, lonely anxious, lack of confidence etc etc
So thank you for sharing your experiences of loss of your partner it has already made me feel no so alone in this.
Love Suzanne x


SGL2, thank you for your post and I know everyone on here would like to say “thank you”. Physically we can not much but are thoughts, prayers and blessings are always sent to you and everyone so you are never alone. Once again thank you so much from everyone. S xx

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Thank you for your reply I do feel very comforted on here knowing we are all going through the same sad thing
Suzanne xx

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Hi Suzanne
glad we could all make you feel beetter that is the best of this site you can always write how you feel and no one will ever judge you as we all feel the same and all get comfort from what others say and everyone is so kind and understanding which helps a lot and stops you feeling as if you are a lone in all this pain and grief


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Hi Pat thank you for your reply yes its so true I feel like it’s not just me who feels like this and its very comforting