I found this forum by accident after trawling the internet looking for someone to connect with after the death of my much beloved husband Tim.
You have all helped me more than you can possibly know. Reading your posts in my darkest moments have given me the courage and strength to go, as Tim wanted me too. I know that I am not alone and that you all understand everything I am going through, that means so much. To know that I can post on here my ramblings, trying to make sense of my life at the moment and someone will read and respond.
Thank you all for being there
Josie xx
How touching Josie. Thanks must go to you also and it’s unfortunate that we all need to be here at all. I agree, this site has certainly seen me through some very dark moments.
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
Much love to all xx
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To josie and crazy Kate your stories are so like mine and what amazingly strong women you are. Just to get through each day is an achievement isn’t it ? I agree with you both that this site helps, you can put down your feelings and talk to others who feel like you do and are struggling with all the same things even mundane day to day chores. I still find myself in the supermarket picking up certain things because I know my husband enjoyed it. Stupid but even that sets me off. I don’t think that any of us ramble, it is just thoughts, painful, sad or hopeful that we can air without fear of judgment or of burdening friends or family. Whenever I try to discuss anything with my daughter I am told that I need professional help. I did try my doctor but I do not want to be doped up with pills, each day is bad enough anyway without being in a mental fog. You ladies are so strong you have my greatest admiration. Love to you and I hope you got through Christmas ok. Isn’t it just the worst time of year ? All the wonderful Christmas’s past to me just reinforces the pain and loneliness xx