That Empty Feeling

I lost my husband just over 6 weeks ago, after 54 years of marriage and I feel so empty. The tears seem to flow nonstop. My son and his wife have been wonderful to me but it is not the same. I do go out shopping but feel that there is nothing to go home for. If I don’t go out I can go for days without speaking to anyone. I just feel so lonely and empty. Will this feeling ever go away?

Hello Mogreg1 - I am so very sorry for your loss. 54 years is a lifetime of love together and I understand how empty life feels. It’s been 9 months since I lost my husband of 48 years (together 52) and I miss him terribly and feel so lonely. I do get some comfort from reading threads on this site - everyone here has had a bereavement and understands how you are feeling and will try to give you support and empathy. It is very early days for you - do take things easy and look after yourself. I’m finding grief is a long hard journey . Sending best wishes - take care - Barbara

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Thank you, I must take solace knowing I am not alone in my grief.

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Hi MoGreg, it’s hard when you loss your soulmate after all those years and we never think it’s going to happen. That empty house is one of the worst feelings and it stops you wanting to open the door. Yes, we have to go out otherwise our life becomes so dull but some days it seems easier to stay in the safer place.
Because of that empty house feeling, I got a cat which is easier to look after than a dog but a dog does get you out of the house, in the end they are a friend always there but they are not for everyone.
It’s early days for you in this horrible thing called grief but never feel alone because we are always here for you. Blessings been sent. S xx

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This grief community has helped me so much just assuring me that I’m not going through this journey alone and there are people here who understand the depth of my unique pain and sorrow. Keep reading all the posts here as they will give you a sense of peace.

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Hi Susie123. I be already have a little cat and she is excellent company. It is comforting to know that what I am feeling is ‘normal’. Thank you, xx