The cruelty of life - Father's Day

2019, we celebrated Father’s Day in our customary way. Took Dad for a meal and a few pints.
2020 - my parents were scared of covid so I got Dad some whisky, card and chocolate, took it to the house. Saw his beautiful face through the window - told him I’d make it up to him and hopefully this year we’d be back to the pints and the meal out.
Now, I have NOTHING. I can’t see him, can’t speak to him, can’t treat him. I can’t bear this reality.
Sorry for all of us in this terrible, nightmare of a situation.


Hello Gee1, I am sure your dad has heard you and will being saying, “it’s ok I enjoyed the whisky and chocolates last year and I remember you face at the window, don’t cry because it spoils your lovely face”.
Grieving is hard and we never know how hard until it hits us personally and dads are very special to their daughters. Yes, you are right it’s a nightmare at present but with time the pain will become bearable, the memories and love will always be there. There’s a poem which finishes with the words
‘Woven into the fabric of my being’ and I feel this is very true, they are always part of us, no matter what.
Raise a glass and wish him happiness on Sunday. Bless you S xxx

Thank you for your message but how can I wish him happiness when all he wants is to be with his wife and grandchildren? We will never be happy, he will never be happy.

I totally get this. Dad passed away on 1st March with covid. I’m not sure how I’m coping, one minute I’m ok, the next something triggers me and I’m sobbing. I can’t see how he would be at peace not being with his family that he loved so much. He loved life, people and his grandchildren most of all. I can’t still get my head around what’s happened and started to get private therapy because I’m so sad all the time.

I understand what you are both saying and know the pain you have because our loved ones have left us and often with no goodbyes. Counselling will help you both and getting through these difficult months when it’s difficult to come to terms with what has happened. Take care. S xxx

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