I feel broken and left alone
I understand how you feel, i lost my beloved husband on 23rd November to cancer, since that day the tears haven’t stopped and i also feel lonely, we were together for 22 years and for the last 2 years we were together all the time, i feel like half of me is missing and struggling everday to carry on without him, when all i want is to be with him again
I too understand how you are feeling, I lost my husband in November 2024 we would have been married for 40years in January 2025.
I miss him every day i cry everyday, we were not lucky enough to have children it was just me and him devoted to each other, his death was sudden and a shock .
I keep thinking He will walk through the door , ive returned to work and cry in secret on occasions but I know that its noticable.
My family haven’t been to see me unless I go to them I would never see anyone that includes friends, he wanted pure cremation and I gave him his wish that was a heartbreaking day spent alone.
I intend to do the same now the only person I would have wanted to be there has already gone.
All I can say is take each day as it comes , breath and live for yourself and your memories, I hope if you have family they have supported you take care
I know how you feel my wife and I knew each other for73 years she was in pain for 3 years and they tried everything for her to no avail I am so lost I do not tell prople I am OK anymore I just tell them its a bad day
I have terminal cancer and am really thinking of stopping all this silly medication it is just delaying the end not curing it .
I feel your pain in loosing your wife, and I cant begin to feel what you are going through with your diagnosis.
They say we grieve so much and feel the pain because love was true.
I believe that my love for my husband could not have been stronger he was my rock and I miss him everyday.
So I know how you feel, I hope you have support with your illness just know that there are people out there to support you in whatever decisions you make.
Thanks a million
I feel numb most days tell people im ok but im not.
Just remember you were loved , whatever decision you come to will be the right one for you.
Take care
You are so right My wife and I talked about it before she passed.