The devastation of losing your partner

What a lovely post, thank you x

Dear Ellie1 my Gerry had smart work clothes, nice casual clothes and his usual attire of jeans and football shirts, some of these were unusual to say the least! I had a lot of new shirts and casual gear that was unworn or worn once, also unworn football shirts. I decided that I didn’t want to bump into anyone with a football shirt that I would know was Gerry’s. I was lucky to find a charity shop that ships all the clothes to The Gambia, the charity also trains people to be tailors so they alter a lot of the clothes. The other thing I considered was to take them to a charity shop the other side of the city where we live for the same reason. I have kept some of the worn football shirts! A friend has given me a tip to leave out some male clothing if you get someone coming in to the house to fix something and you don’t want them to think you are on your own! Good luck I hope they both approve that their clothes will do some good. X

Hi Pat
I’m not sure how I feel about having Tennant’s ashes at home. They are still at the Funeral Directors 5 months after his funeral. They said they would look after him for as long as I needed. maybe bringing him home will comfort me. Does anyone else feel this way?

I think I will pick his ashes up this week. It upsets me that I don’t feel him near me. Maybe this will help.

A beautiful post that sums it all up. I don’t laugh like I used to, I feel as if I am half a person and I will never be whole again. I put on a smile because I am told I am a strong person but inside my grief is as Rae as ever. I go out in a group of six couples and I am the odd one. I too am waiting.


No need to apologise , I’ve read it through several times, it encapsulates everything I think and feel since losing my wonderful husband of 11 years. Keep posting and we will all keep reading because we are all in the same boat, sadly it’s a huge boat but hopefully it will be sailing to somewhere more beautiful and peaceful than the place we are in at the moment.

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Hello and welcome, I hope you find the sense of community as I do, we are all united be grief. I now start everyday by reading the posts with a coffee. We all feel the same, it’s devastating. Until you experience it you can’t possibly fully appreciate the depth of loss those that are left behind feel.
Thinking of you, and everyone else in this situation.

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I also have my two nephews living with me for the benefit of anyone I don’t know, although in reality they don’t!! I say that one works nights so he is in the house all day. My Mum got badly ripped off after my Dad passed away so I have been cautious. I got some revenge by phoning the one who ripped her off from a phone box any time I had been out clubbing in Liverpool, so after 2 am!! Take care all xx

Re ashes, I feel comfort from having Gerry’s ashes here, but the urn I want Is out of stock for the moment. I had a keepsake made of a star with a pinch of ashes in, it has room for a little candle at the front, which I lit on our wedding anniversary last Thursday. It was made by ‘withloveandlight’ for anyone who may like that idea. Xx

Great minds think alike! When going on holiday Gerry and I used to get in the taxi and say that we hope the house is still standing when we get back as our nephews won’t do any housework without being reminded! X