The firsts

It’s my birthday today - my first birthday without my beautiful Mum. Then it’s her birthday on Sunday and we have her internment on Monday. Lots of firsts - I miss her so much. I have a voice recording of her singing happy birthday to me from 2 years ago. I have played that lots today, I wound give anything for her to be here but I know that won’t happen.

Sending you a hug - I lost my mum and dad within 3 months of each other. It had been a long time since they had been the mum and dad that I relied on for child care and we would go on holiday with but that didn’t make losing them any easier. They were both very ill and whilst part of me didn’t want to see them suffer anymore, it was so awful when they had both gone. That was 4 years ago, but my first instinct when my husband died suddenly 3 months ago was “I want my mum” Apparently I said that to the police officers who came to tell me my husband had died as he collapsed in the street, they asked me where mum lived and I had to tell them she was also gone!
I was lucky to have both my parents until I was 55 and I will always be grateful for that. They live on in my and my children, and I think about them every day.
Share as much as you like on here, we all know how you feel and will help if we can, if only by sharing that you are not alone x

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