The fresh and unstable mind after a sudden death of my wife

At 47, I faced an unimaginable loss when my loving wife passed away in a car accident. Our shared dreams, plans, and everyday moments were abruptly replaced by a void that feels impossible to fill. The grief is overwhelming, and I often find myself lost in memories of our time together. Seeking support, I’ve realized the importance of connection and community during this challenging period. Friends and family have been pillars of strength, yet the need to share my journey with others who understand this unique pain is vital. I’m looking to connect with support groups or individuals who can relate, offering and receiving comfort through shared experiences. Navigating this new reality is difficult, but I hold onto hope and the belief that through support and understanding, I can find a way to honor her memory and move forward.


Hi @Mr.Mattie I’m so sorry you have lost your wife at such a young age - and in such tragic circumstances.
The pain of such a loss is immense and I recognise your spending time lost in your memories - painful as they might be at the moment.
It’s good you have a supportive network around you to support and love you. But it’s hard often to find people who really understand and connect with in the moment and shared experience.
This site is helpful with that - we all understand and do not judge anyone. And there is lots of support and kindness when you need to offload.
Be kind to yourself. Sending you lots of strength and a hug xx

Thank you @roni52 . Life gives you a U turn in the most unexpected moments. You have to navigate true these moments and to continue true heartbreak and pain. Better days will come for sure but for now it’s ups and down.

Thank you for your message. May I ask what your relation is to grief?

My husband died in March from a rare and very aggressive cancer. He was 56 years old and very fit and healthy. He had no symptoms apart from he lost his voice, then he was diagnosed and then died within 4 months.
He leaves me behind ( age 52 ) and my 4 kids ( aged 24,21,19 and 16 )
We are all devastated and trying to piece together our shattered lives as he was very much a hands on Dad and had planned to take early retirement in January.
Is very much a rollercoaster we are riding on at the moment - sadly much more downs than ups. Hope in time that things will get easier. X