The guilt of forgetting

Does anyone else feel the guilt? It’s been over 3 years since my man, my darling fiance passed. Its been 3yrs of pure hell, hurt, devastation and anger ( sooooooo much anger!)
The guilt is something i thought id come to terms with, the guilt of not being there when he died and the thousand other guilts we feel…
But what i wasnt ready for, was the guilt of not thinking of him almost all day!


1st would it have been possible to be there

No, not at the time, due to so many factors. It doesnt stop me from feeling i should have been there, no matter what the cost. I will take that guilt to the grave with me.

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My husband died while on a motorbike tour abroad but if I was with him I don’t know if I could have seen it happen or said goodbye. A lot of people say guilt is part of the grieving process

I think guilt is just a part of grief. It’s not being able to change something or do it differently as it’s too late so we torture ourselves. It’s one of the most distressing & frustrating phenomena in bereavement. X


Guilt is so normal but it’s so cruel as we torture ourselves with it, it’s not enough we have the loss to deal with, we are beating ourselves up with the ‘what ifs’,/. I am doing this daily unfortunately. It’s such a harsh part of grief and self inflicted pain!
Grief is so painful, sometimes I wish I could be someone else for a week so I could have a break from the hell!

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