The image of my mum

Recently I keep seeing the image of my mum in the hospital bed as she was passing away with myself and my dad by her side. It’s such a weird feeling because it hurts and I don’t want to keep seeing that image but I don’t ever want to forget it because that’s the last time I held her hand, told her I loved her and kissed her face. And I can’t stop bawling because of it.


I have similar thoughts about how I last saw my mum, but 1 million percent know that we were the lucky ones who had that chance to say we loved them and our goodbyes
How are you coping? There’s so much more to it than words x

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@VictoriaB1 if I’m honest I don’t know how I’m coping. Some days I just forget and just get on with the day. But today has been hard and mum has been at the forefront of my thoughts. And I’ve cried multiple times. I feel there are no words but then too many words to say how I feel. How are you coping?


Hi @Jellybean86
I feel exactly the same. Tonight I’m struggling to sleep and switch off from reliving the whole weekend when mum passed and I’m ten months in. No one understands like you do and people on here. Thank you so much for messaging back xx


Day I lost my mum I seen my mum laying in the hospital bed after she left me. It’s an image I can’t get out of my head
It is fading a little bit.

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I kept remembering the image of my husband when he died.
It wasn’t good
I put a favourite photo of him as a screensaver on my phone. Everytime I open my phone I see it. After a while I realised I wasn’t remembering the bad image anymore.
I hope this helps

Big hugs x


I keeep playing over and over again the image of my husband when he collapsed in the bathroom and later when he was in the icu for 3 days
The images never seem to fade and i try now to think of him when he was alive but its hard

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I have similar images and still can’t really believe it happened. But yes, glad I was there for her right until the end, however hurtful it was for us. Sorry for your loss x

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