The Journey

Below is another original poem which I wrote yesterday. It captures the journey I have been on with my counsellor over the past 12 months or so. It has not been easy, yet was essential to finally face deep, painful emotions which I had covered over for 20+ years.

The Journey

Two people travelled together,

Towards a hidden destination.

Both had different roles,

Each as crucial as the other.

The first the navigator,

Choosing which paths to take.

The second brought knowledge,

Of similar journeys.

And helped to make connections,

Between points along the route.

Their voyage took them far,

Often through difficult terrain.

Yet on they ventured,

United in their shared pursuit.

They rode together,

On the rollercoaster of grief.

The plummet of loss,

Followed by the rise of love.

They travelled some more,

Then came to rest.

Atop a mountain,

With far-reaching views.

The journey was complete,

And clear for both to see.

Limitless new possibilities

Waiting to be explored.


Beautiful poem, @TimetoHeal, thank you for sharing it with us :blue_heart: