The life I've always dreaded

All my life I’ve thought about how awful it would be without my mum, now it has happened, the life I’ve always dreaded is my life now, and it is every bit as bad as I knew it would be. I hate my life without my mum. I also grieve for my dad who I lost many years ago and that feels so raw now again. I miss them both so much, I miss their love so much.


I’m so sorry. :heart: I too have dreaded it all my life. Now that I’ve lost them, my dad most recently, it’s actually worse than I thought it would be. How do we adjust to a life we hate? I’m not sure yet, but I wanted to let you know I understand and emphasise.



I’m so sorry. I lost my mum in March this year, and I can’t tell you it gets any easier because it doesn’t, but you learn to live with it I guess. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with, but you’re not alone.


I am sorry for your loss and pain. It is coming up to the anniversary of loosing my Mum this time last year. It has been the most awful journey and now I am haunted by the days of what happened last year in strange flash back memories.
I never expected it to be quite so life changing. I am just not the same person I was and miss her soo much.
I try soo hard to hold in my heart that she would want me to be happy and to have a great life now she is gone but it is so hard. It does get easier to bear but it doesn’t go away. The hole and the gap she left is so vast. Her love for me and our family was so big. We will celebrate her. This weekend with a tea, with her China in her garden. She loved nothing more that little sandwiches and cake, so we will lift a tea cup to her. I really hope it might make her smile to see us X