The loss of my fiancée

I lost my fiancée a yr ago and I’m still struggling to come to terms with it his family have all stopped talking to me and blocked me on social media etc I miss him so much and it makes it harder when anniversaries pop up or memories of the good times we had together


Sorry for your loss. Having his family treat you so disgustingly doesn’t help you with your grieving.

Just take baby steps. One day at a time. You will miss him, and not having his family there, to help you, makes it harder.

Don’t let what they have done to you, stop you remembering the times you had with your man. Talk to him. Come on here. Talk to us. Grief has no timetable. There is no right or wrong way of grieving. We are here. You’re not alone.

Sending hugs


Hi @Dogmummy
Sorry to here about your fiancee and how his family are treating you.
I am 8 months into this new life without my husband and i know it is hard dealing wigh grief and loneliness without them.
Families are complex and i have learned that too. I have a daughter who loves close by to me who does not really help me and i know she has her own problems and family to deal with so just let her do her own think. Hopefully in time she will understand the pain loneliness and grief i experience.
My youngest daughter is in Australia and phones me weekly she understands how i am feeling and her chats help me to get through the days.
Like prople saw remember the memories the time you had together no one can take this away.
In time his family might be able to understand and communicate with yourself remember they are grieving too.
Take care look after yourself
Lynne :heart:


Hi thank u so much I appreciate that and yea I just find it so hard cos they didn’t even tell me he got cremated and they didn’t come over for it his sitter just came over for the ashes I didn’t even get to say goodbye :sob::sob::sob::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Hey thanks for that his family haven’t even said anything to me it took me months asking for the death certificate for them to say that I need to contact the crematorium cos they couldn’t get his body bk home so they cremated him where I live and they didn’t tell me until 5 months later if I knew that me and others could have went and said our goodbyes but he got cremated all alone and on his own cos his family wasn’t there :sob::broken_heart::sob::broken_heart:

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So sorry to hear that.
Take care look after yourself
Lynne x