The loss of my mum

I loss my mum suddenly on 19th July 2020 :pensive: my Dad took her breakfast into her room & when he went back to collect her tray she was gone…My parents had been together for 60 year.
I live in England and my family are in Scotland I feel so helpless for my father who is finding life very hard and lonely at the moment.
My employers where not very helpful after my time off (3 weeks) and i feel i haven’t had the time for anything to sink in let alone any time to myself.
Im very with drawn from every thing…is that normal?!I just find my own company better as i dont want to be constantly upset in front of anyone but crying does help.
Like most people I just feel totally lost and can’t get to grip with the thought of never seeing or hearing my mum ever again.


Hi, Annie. Welcome. Yes, the pain can be almost unbearable, I say almost because somehow, and God knows how, we do survive. It takes time, patience and kindness to ourselves for it to ease just a little.
Your dad is far away, but sending him love and being caring when you see him can ease his pain if only a little. Being withdrawn as if you are no longer part of the world around you is very common in anxiety after bereavement. You are not going crazy. No way!!
It’s not so much ‘getting to grips with’ but accepting this is what has happened. Employers are having a hard time at the moment but a little understanding can go a long way. It’s not often it happens. Being alone in your own company is also a symptom of grief. It’s not an illness to be ‘got over’. Have you seen your GP? They deal with bereavement on an almost daily basis, and even without medication can often give helpful advice.
You are here now among friends who know and understand. This is a good place to be when you want to unload. No platitudes or silly advice. We all have had that!
Take care of yourself. Blessings. John.

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Thank you…No I haven’t spoke to my G.P maybe something I should do…Ive booked 2 weeks off in September so looking forward to that!
Im so lucky as my husband has been Amazing so i count my blessings and Yeh talking about it sure helps!