I lost my husband of 14 years in September 2019 due to a accident I suffer quite bad with Anxiety I thought I was starting to come to terms with the fact he wasn’t coming back I was starting to get on with life the best I could with my five kids witch is the father to all my kids but I do so well for so long then I start to crave the life I once had we did everything together we was Unseparable and seeing the pain my kids have to go throw everyday is heart breaking as I know I can’t take that pain away I ask my self why did they have to him away from us I miss him so much and I’m struggling especially with life at the moment. X
It’s been 14 months for my husband passing it’s a hard journey we do have lots of moments don’t we. Ok one minute then wham hits you for 6. So sorry for your loss so young. Hope your children are ok as can be. Life will never be the same I wish I could say it will. Look after yourself .
Hi, Kim you are so right, just when you think you are doing really well this thing called grief comes and bites us and I am afraid it will keep doing that.
Like you Holmes I wish for the way things were but then the realisation sets in but not before I have had a good cry. We expect it all to go away but we have loved that person and when they had to go our heart is broken which un repairable. They do say it’s the price of loving which sounds unfair.
There’s many on this site who feel just the same and writing about how you feel helps, so please keep posting. Take care and blessings to you both. Sxx
Thank for the reply half the time I never know what to say never really been much of a talker I’m so sorry to here about your husband I feel your pain hun it’s so hard one min your doing ok then the next it’s hits you my kids ant doing too bad at the min they have their moment and it’s orfull when u just can’t take that pain away especially when I struggle too x
Thanks hun your so right in what you say the price of love is so hard and especially loosening someone you love so much people tell me it get easier I thought it did for so long then it hits you again I will keep writing on here as it does help as their is a lot of people in my situation if my story helps others even a little then I’m happy to talk thanks x
Yes, it comes back and hits us when we less expect it and for me that is still happening, some times I think that’s going to be happening for ever but I am still a lot better than in the early days. Writing about how you feel does help and you know you are always welcome to post and reply to others, it’s what the site is for. Look after yourself and from Monday I will be sending very big hugs. xxx
I feel your agony. My wife of 25 years left me 2 months ago. I am devastated. I used to think I am the luckiest man on earth: having a wife who was also my best friend for 32 years. Suddenly I am left with this broken life; everyday is long and empty. Seeing my 14 yo daughter losing her mon, who was not only the smartest mom but her closest friend, broke my heart. 2 days ago she had her 1st birthday after my wife passed. I hugged her and said I’d love you with all my heart and don’t be afraid…sobbing. The family which I was so proud of is gone forever.This is just unfair. Life sucks.
I’ve lost my husband, soul mate and right know the pain has no words , just want to hold him . My 2 teenage boys are suffocating with the loss and their pain is so sad to see xxx I just dont know how to cope xx
Believe me when I say this I feel your pain. We all do on here. Our greatest love with our soul mate comes at a massive cost. Unknown to us as we embrace the love and friendship we have with our soul mate, we don’t grasp the unyielding consequences of this love we hold dear. Once it is gone so are we.
My wife passed away in March from cancer after an 8 Yr hard fought scrap with the most devious foe anyone has to face. It doesn’t care if your male or female, rich or poor, young or old. It’s like the grim reaper that encloses you in his cloak, because all that is left is totally unrelenting darkness of oblivion!!! The path we were on suddenly falls away and we have no concept of Why has that happened?
I can’t tell you what to expect I’m afraid but I tell you this, eventually a sparkling beam of light will guide you out. As the saying goes you never get over grief you just get used to it!!!
Blessings and prayers to you all x
It’s so hard I’m lost empty and just cant get over losing such an amazing kind gentle man x my heart is so empty and I’m on a losing battle right now x I’m so sorry you have losed your true love and soul mate x I’m feeling everything you are and my heart is with you
The great thing about this site is you can vent and we all properly understand your total loss.
I even bought my Sammy a title the other day, so now she’s Lady Samantha. yet she passed in March… So to keep them alive in you is the most important thing to do. No matter what people suggest, if they haven’t felt the grim reaper’s breath they’ll never understand…
I feel the same Tracy. My husband was only 50. I have a teenager and another in their early twenties. It’s just so horrible to not be able to protect them from this heartbreak. I feel so empty too. Sending hugs