The pain of losing my soul mate

My heart is crying for the loss of my soul mate.
I miss her every hour of everyday.
I am hoping that although the pain of missing her won’t go away the level of intensity will ease.
After 38 wonderful years together I lost her at the end of Feb 2023.
Does anyone have a positive experince to share to give me hope?

hello @Tracey.H - I am so very sorry your beloved has died. That is so, so, so hard. I know pain, loss, emptiness, grief because my husband died in January 2022. We were always in sync. Together, inseparable, until cancer stepped in and took him and pushed me out. In the days, weeks, months, now year that has followed, I have had a very clear sense that he has been with me and that he wants me to live again, love again, go forward again. Because, like your soul mate for you, he loved me unconditionally. She will always love you. You will always love her. Love like that cannot just disappear. So take heart, my friend, her love will take you forward and will always be with you. Hold tight. x


Oh thank you. Yes we did everything together. By ger side is where I belong.
I am holdingvtight as you suggest and yiur pisitivity is really helpfulx


You have friends here, my friend @Tracey.H - we all understand, we all know, we are all together. It will be ok, I promise, love endures and friends are with you x

What lovely words. Frienship is so important at this time.
Thank you x

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your friends are with you, @Tracey.H x

Without my friends I dont know where I would be.xx