The pain of remembrance

For all those suffering the pain of loss at this time, I send you love and hugs. Never forget that it does get a little easier to bear as you travel your grief journey. Also that you will always find empathy and support within this group. With warm wishes for a peaceful, healthy, and happier new year. Tulabelle xxx

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Thank you Tulabelle, Your words are comforting on this very lonely night. This site has been a gift to me in these last unbearable 7 months since losing my beloved younger sister. We spent last New Year’s Eve together and we were joyful and grateful that she was managing her cancer. We had so much hope for 2018, but then 4 months later she took a sudden turn, and died in a matter of hours. She was everything to me. This Christmas and NYE is so different. All I do is cry . I do not want to bring in a new year without her. The sadness is overwhelming and intensified at this time of year. The kind people here have been so understanding. This is the one place where I can be sad and even hopeless, and others will accept me. I also send love & hugs to you, and to all those in darkness, as they grieve their loved ones on this NYE. I wish peace and healing to all. Here for each other now and in the new year. Xxx Sister2

Hi Sister2,
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. Many people think of, and support those who have suffered loss during Christmas, but often NYE is harder to bear - all those people looking forward to the promise and blank sheet of the coming year, when we cannot even see a future. We have to believe that our loved ones will never truly leave us, if we are to survive and thrive. And that our lives will slowly get better and the pain of our loss ease a little. I hope that you derive some crumbs of comfort on this most sociable, yet loneliest night of the year. Wising you peace and comfort, Tulabelle xxx

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