The struggle

Hi all.
I lost my dad yesterday to heart failure. I am riddled with guilt as I didn’t make it to the hospital in time for his passing, although my sister was there.
He called me every day from hospital and I called him too, I did visit him until the hospital stopped visits to to a sickness bug on the wards, so I haven’t seen my dad in 2 weeks. He notified me on the Monday that they reopened the wards and that I can come. I said I will come tomorrow as I’m at work today and can’t get the time off. Tomorrow never came. He passed away. I said sorry to him as he lay there in his bed but he couldn’t hear me. I’m numb, full of guilt.

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@skindeep_32 I’m sorry about your Dad. You shouldn’t blame yourself. Wards were closed for a reason & from what you’ve written, only newly reopened. At least your sister was by his bedside when the time came so he wasn’t alone. We blame ourselves because we can’t change things & we’ll forever wonder what if. It doesn’t help. I hope over the following weeks & months you find peace with yourself. You did your best, it’s all anyone can do. X

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