Bank no. 1 insisted on sending money to solicitor who sent it to me, then I had to write a cheque to Bank no.1 to open a new account.
Why couldn’t they just transfer it from one account to another.
Bank no. 2 said he didn’t have an ISA with them until I sent them a copy of the statement they had sent my husband. I am still trying to close this account. As they are my main bank and hold my current account you would expect this one to be easy. But no.
Bank no. 3 have had all the documents requested for over a month. I rang them last week, it turns out they are waiting for photo ID. They never asked for this, I have copied their letter listing their requirements back to them.
Bank No. 4 told me I could close the account with a sister bank as there is no branch close to me. The sister bank knew nothing about this arrangement.
Premium Bonds insist on sending Warrants rather than transferring into my current account.
Are these all regular high street banks? It sounds like lunacy. I am so glad we only had 2 banks to deal with. One we had been with for over 30 years. The second we opened as all other banks locally had shut. As I have said before my experience was so easy. It even went fairly smoothly when my financial advisor cancelled some annuities we had just opened which in his many years he and his team had NEVER come across before. They even got me compensation as the annuity provider we were cancelling had made a real dogs dinner setting them up and got them to agree the compensation due to my husband would be paid to me. The new annuities give me a much better income but he did check that I had enough income to survive before cancelling as there was quite a few months delay before I got the new income.
Yes, all well known high street banks. I have accounts with most of them myself, but not for much longer.
I will get a piggy bank instead. At least I will be able to take a hammer to it if it annoys me.
Jeremy loved mucking about with banks. Unfortunately I do not.
I know Liz. My solicitor sent letters to the two banks we had joint accounts with and that was it. Only problem I had was a bond in joint names. I decided to keep it until the end date. Then I could only close it online and it was the one thing I didn’t have the password for. The help desk couldn’t have been more kind and helpful even sending me a video of the instructions.
I seem to have been the exception. No problems with DWP either. Had a rather large tax bill for my husband but used an accountant who reduced it by half. As I say I am lucky enough to be able to afford professional help.
Don’t you wish there was a charitable organisation that could just do all this for you at such a vulnerable time. I suppose citizens advice but they can be a nightmare to get in touch with.
So sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time with banks at what is already a difficult and very sad time.
Im an executor for my ex-husband and Im relieved he only had one bank account, one ISA and only £10 in premium bonds.
I hope things get easier for you.
Sadly some people are daft when dealing with bereavement. I recently sorted out a debt my partner had that I felt some responsibility for. I explained to these people that my partner had died and that I just required a statement that everything had been paid for and there was no liability to me or my partner’s estate. What did they do? Send me an email addressed to her. Very upsetting.